Metaichmio Money is not meant to be wasted

EAN: 9789605012168MPN: 5216 Product code: 101591 Category: Brand:
  • Publications: Metaichmio
  • Author: Sofia Takaoglou
  • Pages: 44
  • Dimensions: 22.3×22.3


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Metaichmio Money is not meant to be wasted

Children and adults we want, we want, we want... How can we meet our needs? Can we have everything we desire? Is there anything that limits us? What is money? How can we get money? What is the best way to use them?

In a simple way, fun pictures, interesting activities and additional information, the book approaches basic financial concepts and consumer behavior issues.

A book that parents and educators can use to help children become better consumers.

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Μεταίχμιο Τα Χρήματα Δεν Είναι Για Να Τα ΣπαταλάμεMetaichmio Money is not meant to be wasted

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